LED Heat Sink | 美體產業公開資訊
ThermallyConductivecompound-KennerMaterial&SystemCo.,Ltdoffers ...
Kenner has been incorporated since 2000. We specialize in polymeric material development for information and communication industries. With experienced and dedicated personnel, Kenner has developed a number of outstanding products. They are KennElec for electrically conductive and antistatic applications, and KennTherm for thermally conductive applications. In 2003, Kenner was certified by DNV as an official ISO-9001 company. Our company currently offer the following services to our customers:
Electrically conductive and antistatic compounds Sheets for carrier tape Permanently antistatic film and bags Thermally conductive compounds Products for thermal management Tolling services Total solution for polymeric compounding industriesKennElec 7633, a glass fiber filled permanently antistatic ABS...
俊馳材料科技股份有限公司 | 美體產業公開資訊
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LED Heat Sink | 美體產業公開資訊
Electrically Conductive Compounds | 美體產業公開資訊
Company Profile | 美體產業公開資訊
俊馳材料科技股份有限公司Kenner Material & System Co. | 美體產業公開資訊
Kenner Material & System Co.員工 | 美體產業公開資訊
俊馳材料科技股份有限公司(KENNER MATERIAL & SYSTEM ... | 美體產業公開資訊