「Active Fitness艾克緹體能中心 | 美體產業公開資訊
台北市信義區 3年以上 大學CRM position enables you to see the whole picture of our customer activities. And with full insight of that, you get to plan and execute campaigns to optimize customer journey. And by activating/retaining customers, you get to improve customer lifetime value (CLV), being an important part of making the brand prosper. As this position sees all numbers and profiles of our customers, we expect you to be able to analyze our customers and provide the insight to the brand team as a solid foundation of developing communication strategies. The main stakeholders of this position are marketing team, sales team (including sales supervisors and first-line beauty advisors), IT, and call center. As you will be communicating with a lot of internal and external stakeholders, we expect you to be an active listener, and are willing to help others...
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「Active Fitness艾克緹體能中心 | 美體產業公開資訊
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