ROEHL-最新徵才職缺 | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHLstandsforRentalOnly,EnvironmentalHomeLifestyle.Weareastartupfoundedbyaprovenindustryleaderwithstrongpassionforclimatechange ...
公司介紹ROEHL stands for Rental Only, Environmental Home Lifestyle. We are a startup founded by a proven industry leader with strong passion for climate change related issues. We dare to do something that no others dare or have the resource to do – disrupt the home appliance market globally with a rental only model to our consumers.
Have you noticed that your home appliances and electronics tend to break down just as their warranty run out? This is no coincidence. Nowadays, many products are designed to break so we are forced to keep throwing away and buying new ones every few years. This business model is polluting our oceans, consuming huge amount of energy, depleting our resources and killing our childrens future. We all know this can’t continue, but we dont feel like we have a choice.
Roehl is here to change that. We believe that peopl...
樂活家居股份有限公司【徵才職缺簡介】104人力銀行 | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHL | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHL | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHL | 美體產業公開資訊
Roehl | 美體產業公開資訊
新創之星-ROEHL創辦人葉強生用IoT翻轉家電 | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHL | 美體產業公開資訊
ROEHL-最新徵才職缺 | 美體產業公開資訊