製作3D人物的APP「VRoid Mobile」上線啦 | 美體產業公開資訊
2019年7月18日—使用VRoidMobile製作的3D人物可以上傳到3D人物平臺「VRoidHub」,發表在網路上。此外,在直播平臺和遊戲等各種與VRoidHub合作的APP ...
■ About VRoid: http://vroid.com/[1]
The VRoid Project is a pixiv 3D character project that was launched with the aim of delivering an environment where everyone can have their own 3D characters and enjoy creating works using those characters as well as interacting in a VR/AR space.
The VRoid project offers various services. For instance, the free 3D modeling tool VRoid Studio enables its users to create characters like drawing illustrations, and the service VRoid Hub allows its users to post 3D characters and use shared avatars in various VR/AR contents.
■ About VRoid Hub: https://hub.vroid.com/[2]
VRoid Hub is a platform that enables you to post 3D character models that you created and share them with other users. By creating a pixiv account, anyone can use VRoid Hub for free.
With VRoid Hub, you can create a profile pa...
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製作3D人物的APP「VRoid Mobile」上線啦 | 美體產業公開資訊
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